04 Feb

What your favourite romance movie says about you!
by Simran
What your favourite Romantic Movie says about you!
Love stories… Whether you're happily in love or just love to torture yourself, there's no denying a good Romance movie!
The Notebook
You're a class act! You like to stick to the status quo! Long walks on the beach are your forte as long as you don't get in too deep!
You like classical romance novels and you probably dream of a white picket fence in your future! You are strong, sweet and determined and will most definitely find your happily ever after!
You're an adventurous soul! You probably watch this movie as a comfort because you could recite it word from word but it’s still your go-to love story
Also super relatable because… Leonardo DiCaprio!!!!!
P.S I love you
Okay… so you are either very emotionally stable or you’re about to go off the deep end! Either way, I applaud you because it is impossible to make it through that movie without crying!
(We have Gelato and Chocolate!!! It helps!)
Pretty Woman
You are an outgoing fun bubbly character who is always the life of the party! You want the fairytale guy, the perfect mix between Mr Right and Mr Wrong! Either way, you know just who you are and you won't settle for less.
Deadpool breaks the fourth wall to confirm that Deadpool is in fact a love story!
You are super cool and so much fun! You don't take yourself seriously at all and when it comes to love you're always the first person to make the first move!
You’re a kickass partner and you always bring the action!! You’re fearless and there is no stopping you when you find something you want!
All of these movies have one thing in common… They're all made so much better with a Little Dessert Shop at hand! Better still... The sharing chocolate fondue, especially made or Valentines! Share with your love, BFF or just eat the whole thing to yourself (If you're watching any of the first three options... You'll probably need chocolate... and tissues!)